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We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system.

Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you! Published by Jasmine Manning Modified over 2 years ago. Robinson Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. The end is near! The end is here! Average United States temperature changed 0. They also do not steal boxes of money.

However, as Al Gore neglects to mention to the children, they do provide the carbon and much of the oxygen and hydrogen for every protein, fat, and carbohydrate molecule in Susie and the ingredients in her ice cream cone. Without atmospheric H2O and CO2 molecules, shown here as evil demons, life on earth would not be possible. In fact, world glaciers have been retreating for years. This glacier retreat reflects a rising temperature trend beginning in , which has been entirely unaffected by human hydrocarbon use.

Glaciers lengthen and shorten cyclically as the earth cools and warms. This accounts quantitatively for all CO2 rises during the interglacial periods of the past , years. Also, careful analysis shows that the CO2 rise and fall generally lags the temperature.

Al Gore claims that CO2 fluctuations from an unknown source caused the ice ages and the interglacials. In fact, the temperature changes caused the changes in CO2 - not the opposite, as Al Gore claims.

The computer models were fitted, with 6 or 7 adjustable parameters, retroactively to the temperature record. Moreover, none of the models include short-term fluctuations of less than 0. Assertions that hurricanes are increasing as a result of human hydrocarbon use are entirely false. This change cannot be causing the evacuation of flooded islands as Al Gore asserts.

In the past 50 years, sea level increased 3 inches. The most serious example, malaria, is returning to areas from which it was previously eradicated because of the ban of DDT use — another cause championed by Mr. Al Gore claims that Lake Chad in North Africa has dried up as a result of human use of hydrocarbon energy.

However, as Miss Gilder has also pointed out, Lake Chad has dried up four times previously in recorded history and the current drying is known to be the result of local causes.

Bark beetles cannot be enhanced significantly by a 0. Al Gore claims that New York, Florida, and San Francisco will be catastrophically flooded by rising seas due to human-caused global warming. There is not a shred of scientific evidence to support this claim. Yet, more than 20, Americans with university degrees in physical science — including many of our most eminent scientists — have signed a petition that reads: We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, , and any other similar proposals.

The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

Hydrocarbon energy is not warming the Earth, but it is markedly increasing the amounts of plants and animals and their diversity. This backlash by tens of thousands of American scientists, includes a large percentage of atmospheric scientists and many thousands more than 20, to date of physical scientists who have become signatories to the following petition: We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, , and any other similar proposals.

Baker, PhD, Lara H. Barksdale, William B. Charles, MD, M. Crain, David D. Daggs, Paul D. Deering, John M. Drozd, Don A. Freeman, Richard Freen, Burlin E. Graves, Robert J. Tyler Griffin, J. Johnson, G. Kinnaird, John J. Kirsch, Paul R. Lamarre, Allen B. Macdonald, Robert S. Martin, Bruce W. McCoy, Richard E. Mielke, PhD, Edward P. Newton, W. Parker, Jack Parker, James C. Parker, Jerald D.

Reynolds, J. Simpson, Randal S. Simpson, Ray E. Clarke Smith, MD, S. Thomson, PhD, Ker C. Volker, Philip A. We Remember Our Friends This segment of our 50 th Reunion is dedicated to the memory of our classmates, our friends, who would be with us tonight if they. Waters Richard P. Gildrie Malcolm Glass This presentation is dedicated to the memory of our deceased classmates.

We will always keep their names and faces on our minds and in our hearts. Lobitz, Jr. Shelley, M. Similar presentations. Upload Log in. My presentations Profile Feedback Log out. Log in. Auth with social network: Registration Forgot your password? Download presentation. Cancel Download. Presentation is loading. Please wait. Copy to clipboard. Download ppt "Inconvenient Falsehoods".

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7 Comment

  • Rasen ni föder upp är verkligen helt otroligt och jag har följt er här under långt tid nu Jag är väldigt intresseras av rasen och dess personlighet och lynne. Ha en fin fredagskväll och en trevlig helg. Vilken fin hemsida du har här Tina. En vandring i solen Det var eftermiddag i Aten, onsdagen den 21 augusti, och med glimten i ögat kungjorde Joakim Andersson för den församlade svenska världspressen: -Nu ska jag se till att få lite sol på min fagra kropp. Lördagen den 27 augusti , Lite datanörd är man allt, hihi.
  • Hälsningar Nina. En samverkan med SDF:et är ganska lämplig. Lördagen den 23 april , Vi ifrån Stockholm möttes ca vid centralen. Sedan några år är de verksamma i Japan där de arbetar med simning, både praktiskt i och vid bassängen, genom egna populära TV-program och böcker.

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